
Beam Saber

Created by Austin Ramsay

Beam Saber is a Forged In The Dark game about the pilots of powerful machines in a war that dominates every facet of life. They are trying to do their part, then get out physically and mentally intact. The organizations that perpetuate The War throughout all of known space are too incomprehensibly huge to take down. There is no “winning” The War, there is only surviving it. Hopefully you can help others get out too. If you want to purchase the PDF alone, go to

Latest Updates from Our Project:

JUNE 2022 Update
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 01, 2022 at 10:51:26 PM

Here's how things are progressing with Beam Saber

Sorry I'm late with this month's update. I was REALLY hoping that I would be able to announce that the final PDF was ready, but unfortunately that didn't come to pass.

  • The new batch of spot illustrations that were required by the new layout are done. I'll include a sample from Roberto Zoreda Ichaso below.
  • The layout is done, and I'm hoping that I'll have the final PDF for you all by the end of next week. The main issue seems to be that something about this file is causing the PDF bookmarks to behave in the same way that adding an image to Microsoft office documents do. Which is to say if you move it a pixel, everything gets thrown wildly about. I want to make sure that the PDF you all get has full utility and isn't missing any quality of life elements like functioning bookmarks.

Now onto the art!

Vehicle Advancement spot illustration

MAY 2022 Update
over 2 years ago – Sun, May 29, 2022 at 08:29:28 AM

Here's how things are progressing with Beam Saber

Bad news first.

Back at the start of layout I asked Sasha to experiment with a rough draft of what the book would be like if it were 6"x9" (the traditional Forged in the Dark book size) instead of the planned 8.5"x11".  They did a quick and dirty version, we looked at the result, and decided that it would cause the book to be too many pages, so we'd move ahead with the original page size. 

Unfortunately there was a mistake made and the 6"x9" version was further developed. It was easy to miss looking at a computer screen, whether in a layout program or PDF reader, but would be a HUGE issue if sent to the printers. Luckily Hadrian and Christine spotted this problem, and I brought it to Sasha who has begun correcting the issue. The corrections are about half way done currently, but the new layout may necessitate additional spot illustrations which of course will take time. 

I'm going to be very picky about where additional art gets deployed to try to minimize these additional delays, but I also want to make sure the book looks balanced, both in terms of individual pages and how much art is spread across the book as a whole. I really want to avoid a situation where all the art is in, for example, in the back half of the book, or there are pages with a single paragraph and 80% of a blank page.

Good news now.

  • Hadrian has finished the chapter art! I've included two examples of his excellent work below.
  • I've picked out a printer! Baker & Taylor Publisher Services has provided me a reasonable quote, meets the quality I've been looking for, and is located in the US.
  • Beam Saber is part of the TTRPGs for Reproductive Rights bundle on Itch. If you'd like to help raise funds for Planned Parenthood and the National Network of Abortion Funds, you'll also be getting 291 games! The bundle is on for another 15 days so get it while you can!

Now onto the art!

Art for the Player Principles chapter
Art for the Alternative Rules chapter

APRIL 2022 Update
over 2 years ago – Sun, Apr 17, 2022 at 04:00:01 AM

Here's how things are progressing with Beam Saber

Bad new first. 

The printer I was originally planning to use has informed me that they are not accepting any new orders at this time. There is currently a shortage of paper for the book manufacturing industry that is greatly constraining options, which is why my initial printer (and the alternative printer they suggested) have both declined to print Beam Saber at this time. I am continuing to look for a printer who is able to not only print a physical copy of the game, but also one of high quality. It's going to be a big book and I want to make sure that the spine doesn't fall apart or the covers tear because I did something foolish like using Staples to print the game.

Good news now.

  • Hadrian continues to work on the chapter art and it looks great. I've included his latest finished piece below.
  • Jess Whitmore has finished the last of her spot illustrations.
  • There was a small glitch with the pilot playbook PDFs that cause load to not unmark properly. Sasha has fixed this and the downloads on Itch and DTRPG have been updated with the new version (V1.1).
  • We're on track to have the final PDF released in late April or early May.

Now onto the art!

Downtime chapter art

March 2022 Update
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 03:54:39 AM

Here's how things are progressing with Beam Saber

  • With the printables finished, Sasha's layout work is now essentially complete! They are now waiting for the final pieces of art, but they've also agreed to be the quality control person for the printed versions. I'm asking them to manage that task because a) they are very familiar with the layout of the book and how it should look, and b) they live within the US so there's no cross border shipping concerns.
  • Speaking of printing, I've started conversations with the printing company and Indie Press Revolution (who are handling fulfillment) but nothing really to show right now for either.
  • Hadrian continues to work on the chapter art and it looks great, but he's hit a delay due to some major computer issues. 
  • Jess Whitmore continues to work on her spot illustration pieces, but she also hit a delay due to suffering a cut on her hand. I've included an example from the History of Vehicles section (see if you can spot the Easter egg for another release of mine).

In spite of the delays on art we are on schedule to have a V1.0 final PDF in April! After that the process for physical copies will begin in earnest. Please note that because of the natures of Print On Demand and Offset Printing, backers who ordered POD will likely get their physical copies first. If you need a refresher on the difference between POD and Offset check out this update.

Now onto the art!

FINISHED Printouts!
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 09:04:54 PM

The FINISHED versions of the Beam Saber printable materials are now available!

This includes:

  • Reference Sheets
  • Pilot Playbooks
  • Squad Playbooks
  • Faction Sheets
  • Region Sheets

These can be filled out digitally and/or printed for use at the table. Sasha has done a wonderful job with these. You can find them on the Beam Saber Itch page

We hope you find them useful!