Print On Demand Reward Tier Added!
almost 5 years ago
– Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 11:43:09 PM
After some investigation into shipping options, I have decided to create a Print On Demand reward tier. The POD book will be made by DriveThruRPG which prints in the US or UK, whichever has less expensive shipping for the customer, thus SHIPPING IS NOT INCLUDED AND WILL BE CHARGED AT THE TIME OF FULFILLMENT BY DRIVETHRURPG.
What's the difference between the POD Backer and Hardcover Backer tiers?
The POD Backer will receive a voucher for 100% off of a DriveThruRPG Print On Demand copy of Beam Saber at the time of fulfillment, and will then need to pay DTRPG for shipping & handling.
The Hardcover Backer will receive an Offset Printing copy of Beam Saber at the time of fulfillment, and will pay shipping to me at the same time they are charged for backing this project (the end of the campaign).
Each version will be identical other than the nature of their manufacture.
What's the difference between Print On Demand and Offset Printing?
Offset Printing is made in large batches (generally at least 500 copies) after having gone through a quality assurance process using high end paper and ink. This is mostly what traditional printing is because you get to take advantage of the economy of scale.
Print On Demand is made one at a time through digital printing, and then sent to the customer. While generally considered lower quality, I have heard from multiple sources that modern POD has gotten to be pretty good quality (with the exception of the color red, but Beam Saber has a black & white interior, so no worries there).
I'm already backed at the Hardcover Backer tier. What is happening to me and my reward?
If you are happy with paying the shipping now and want the Offset Printing version of the book, you don't have to change anything. Your reward tier hasn't changed.
If you want to pay shipping later and get the POD version of the book, you should switch to the POD Backer tier.
What happens with the Character Backer, Vehicle Backer, Game Time Backer, 2 & 4 Hardcover Backer tiers?
Those will all be Offset Printing and thus the shipping rates as listed will remain the same until the investigation in Update #1 changes them.
What's happening with the shipping investigation mentioned in Update #1?
The investigation is on going. I'm currently waiting to hear back from Indie Press Revolution, the company I am using for fulfillment, on shipping estimates for the following countries:
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- France
- Ukraine
- Italy
- Japan
- Thailand
- Brazil
- Argentina
- Costa Rica
Hopefully those will be able to provide sufficient estimates for most backers.
Ascendency on Kickstarter!
almost 5 years ago
– Sun, Mar 08, 2020 at 04:32:23 PM
Hello everyone,
I know the Beam Saber Kickstarter is still on going, but I am excited about this game (and have backed it) and wanted to share it with y'all! Check out Ascendancy! It's a psychic cyberpunk TTRPG with incredibly imaginative playbooks and abilities. Not to mention the setting! I could try to describe it here but that would do it a disservice, so click through, read the KS campaign, check out the actual play and interview links for the game, and hear Ruby talk about this project she loves so much. Then support her if you can by backing, or sharing the project on social media.
Thanks for your time!
P.S. I'm still waiting to hear back about shipping/handling. Hoping to get details for shipping to more specific places before the end of next week.