
Beam Saber

Created by Austin Ramsay

Beam Saber is a Forged In The Dark game about the pilots of powerful machines in a war that dominates every facet of life. They are trying to do their part, then get out physically and mentally intact. The organizations that perpetuate The War throughout all of known space are too incomprehensibly huge to take down. There is no “winning” The War, there is only surviving it. Hopefully you can help others get out too. If you want to purchase the PDF alone, go to

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almost 5 years ago – Tue, Apr 07, 2020 at 01:34:04 PM

I've gotten a few messages from people who think that they didn't get the email with their Session Zero  PDF download key, but actually did. The trick was that they were looking for/expecting an email from Kickstarter, while the PDFs are being distributed via This is a failure of communication on my part, and I apologize for it.

ALL PDFs WILL BE DISTRIBUTED VIA ITCH.IO, so watch for emails from that site.

If you check your email for an email from Itch and still can't find your Session Zero PDF download key, message me on Kickstarter, and I'll sort it out.s

Payment Errors Part 2
almost 5 years ago – Mon, Apr 06, 2020 at 01:12:08 PM

There are still a number of backers whose pledges haven't been collected by Kickstarter due to some issue. I have sent a Kickstarter message to every one of them that I could find. Here are the Common Pledge Problems according to Kickstarter and advice on how to deal with them. As there is a 7 day time limit on correcting these issues, you have until 7am EDT April 8, 2020 to get your pledge sorted out. If you do not have it sorted out by then (and I'd recommend getting it fixed ASAP), you will NOT be getting your backer rewards. So you might want to double check that you've been charged by Kickstarter, just to be sure.

almost 5 years ago – Sat, Apr 04, 2020 at 01:34:06 AM

The Session Zero PDF download links have been emailed out to everyone who backed at the Discounted Backer tier or higher AND has not had any issues with their pledge being collected. Some people have reported that the email was caught by their spam filter, so if you haven't received it, check there. If it's not in the inbox or spam folder of the email associated with your Kickstarter account, comment below and I'll see what I can do.

Hopefully we can get the full rules PDF to all of you soon. Until then, enjoy your Session Zeroes!

almost 5 years ago – Thu, Apr 02, 2020 at 08:42:30 PM

I know that a lot of you backers were hoping to get the full rules right at the end of the Kickstarter so that you could dive into Beam Saber. Unfortunately, that hasn't worked out due to some backers having issues with their pledge being collected, as previously mentioned. 

To tide everyone over while that gets sorted out over the next week or so, I have put together a PDF containing ONLY the Session Zero section of the rules. This will allow your group to lay the ground work for your upcoming Beam Saber campaign, so that you can make better use of the Quick Start Guide, and then help you transition to the full rules when they get sent out. 

The only problem with this is that anyone who IS having pledge issues won't receive the download key because of the way that distribution works. You'll just have to wait for the full rules.

The Session Zero Guide will be sent to your email within the next day or so, so keep an eye out for that!

Payment errors and the release of the PDFs
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Apr 01, 2020 at 07:55:35 PM

I have the Backers' information at this time, but unfortunately there are a number of people whose payments did not complete for various reasons. Kickstarter will be sending them emails automatically to ensure that their payments go through properly, and they have 7 days to get that fixed. If their payments are not fixed within 7 days, they are removed from being backers and will not receive their reward (nor be charged). So keep an eye on your emails, especially the spam folder just in case, for a notification from Kickstarter that your payment failed.

This also means that I can't send out emails containing the PDF download keys until this issue is resolved.

In conclusion, everyone will receive their PDFs of the current rules in 7 days, if not sooner, so please be patient until then.