
Beam Saber

Created by Austin Ramsay

Beam Saber is a Forged In The Dark game about the pilots of powerful machines in a war that dominates every facet of life. They are trying to do their part, then get out physically and mentally intact. The organizations that perpetuate The War throughout all of known space are too incomprehensibly huge to take down. There is no “winning” The War, there is only surviving it. Hopefully you can help others get out too. If you want to purchase the PDF alone, go to

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pilot Backer Sketches
over 4 years ago – Wed, Sep 02, 2020 at 04:33:49 AM

I got the sketches for the Empath (Eclipse), Envoy (Flagstone), and Bureaucrat (Owl) from Vincent. Looking pretty good so far!

Eclipse the Empath
Flagstone the Envoy
Owl the Bureaucrat

I can't wait to see how these develop further!

The Growing Conflict supplement is here!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 10:14:58 PM

I released a supplement for Beam Saber called The Growing Conflict!

This supplement for Beam Saber features new ways to play including 6 new Pilot playbooks, 2 new Squad playbooks, and rules for forming and managing a Faction.

The new types of Pilots include:

  • The Artificial who finds strength in having been created for a specific purpose.
  • The Captain who commands fire teams of NPCs.
  • The Hero who is the symbol for a cause greater than themself.
  • The Proxy who uses their digital existence to find secrets.
  • The Rookie who brings foolish hope to the battlefield.
  • The Transformed who has an Other within them, allowing them to fight without a vehicle.

The new Squad playbooks include:

  • The Crew who are bound by their shared Cause.
  • The Double Agents who live secret lives to work for the enemy.

The new Faction management rules include:

  • forming an entirely new Faction.
  • Faction scale Entanglements.
  • assigning subordinate Squads to Missions.
  • working to stay inside of your Faction's Leadership.

This product is currently in development and is not yet complete. A copy of The Growing Conflict is NOT included in any Kickstarter Backer Reward tier.

Some of you may be concerned about how this supplement has impacted the progress of Beam Saber post Kickstarter. I understand your concerns, and want you to know that The Growing Conflict has not impacted the Kickstarter's fulfillment at all. Here's how it happened:

I wrote most of Beam Saber from 2017-2019. During that period I had ideas that either weren't fleshed out or not a good fit for the core book, so I set them aside. If I had something to add to them, I would tinker a bit. March 2020 had the Beam Saber Kickstarter, and that gave me the funds to hire people for the skills that I lack. I finished the core rules a couple months after, which left me with nothing to do except coordinate the contractors. So I got The Growing Conflict to a presentable state and put it up for sale, much like I had with Beam Saber. 

Sometimes its just a matter of having your own work being bottle necked by someone else (which is not me saying the contractors need to work harder/faster) and you have the choice of working on something else or not working. With being in quarantine I have had a lot of time to be working on stuff, and not all of it has been Beam Saber's core rules . (I also released The Best Around in July, and I have two more games ready for sale to be released in September and October)

I hope that assuages your concerns about this.

Final(ish) batch of finished Vehicle Backer art
over 4 years ago – Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 07:50:32 PM

If you are the Vehicle Backer who has not gotten me a description of your Vehicle, you have until October 1st to do so. At that point I will fill the last example Vehicle slot.

With that out of the way, the last(ish) two Vehicles are done! So Vincent will be moving onto doing the pilot playbook art for the Ace, Empath, Bureaucrat, Envoy, and Hacker. After those are done, it'll be onto the Chapter art.

Norrish Ladybird Blue (name not final)
ER Inc's Bunker Type-T

Final Batch of Vehicle Backer Sketches!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 07:53:23 PM

We're nearing the end of the Vehicle Backer art (I'm still waiting on that one backer though...) with these two sketches for the Bunker Type T and the soon to be renamed Ladybird Blue (It's going to be renamed to something that suits the Norrish convention of element + astronomical phenomena). Once these pieces are done we'll be moving onto the pilot playbook art featuring 5 of the Character Backer characters!

Exodus Republic Inc's Bunker Type T
The Norrish Ladybird Blue

Third batch of Vehicles complete and a request for Vehicle Backers
over 4 years ago – Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 10:25:55 PM

Vincent has completed the latest batch of Vehicle Backer vehicles! This means that there are only 3 more vehicles to be drawn, then it's off to the pilot playbook art! Before we move away from the vehicles...

There is still ONE VEHICLE BACKER who has not provided me with a description of their vehicle! 

I have tried multiple ways of contacting you, so now I am calling you out in a KS update! If you think this is you because you have only seen vehicles in the updates that you did not create, PLEASE contact me at [email protected] or in the Kickstarter messaging system. If I don't hear from you, I will have to fill your vehicle slot with another design because there needs to be art for it before the book goes to print!

Now, onto the finished vehicle art!

The Izyan Bulkhead
The Izyan Jousting Boar Inn & Pub
The DFS Shotel