Beam Saber is a Forged In The Dark game about the pilots of powerful machines in a war that dominates every facet of life. They are trying to do their part, then get out physically and mentally intact. The organizations that perpetuate The War throughout all of known space are too incomprehensibly huge to take down. There is no “winning” The War, there is only surviving it. Hopefully you can help others get out too.
If you want to purchase the PDF alone, go to
Latest Updates from Our Project:
New versions of Beam Saber AND The Growing Conflict, plus a small production update
about 4 years ago
– Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 12:22:25 AM
Both Beam Saber and my supplement The Growing Conflict each got a new version today. You can find their changelogs here and here.
The highlights are that all of the pilot art is now in Beam Saber and this version is probably the final text (art and layout are still incomplete), and for The Growing Conflict there's a new pilot playbook: The Wielder!
In production news, Vincent has gotten started on the Squad art with the Region art to follow. Also since I never did end up hearing back from the final Vehicle Backer, I have filled the last example Vehicle slot with the Swan, a Jovangellian transport plane. Hopefully I'll have the contract writing in soon and can send the full text onwards to layout!
Beam Saber Timeline
about 4 years ago
– Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 01:39:07 PM
I got an email today from BackerKit saying that it was time to lock in orders, and my response was "What? No it isn't."
That email was sent because part of using BackerKit is to lay out dates ahead of time for when you think you'll send out the surveys (done), when you'll lock them in (not yet), and when you'll ship the product (not for a while). I pushed back the date to February 1, 2021 as a best guess, and that made me realize that I should make an update about this.
Where Beam Saber is at:
The rules are done. No major or minor changes to how the rules work are planned at this time. There might be some bug squashing to do (If you seen anything funky please email your concerns to [email protected]), but right now every playbook is functioning as intended.
The main text is not yet complete even though the rules are. There's some playtesting text that needs to be removed, the contract writers' work needs to be added, art needs to be added, I need to incorporate feedback from the disability consultant, once all that's together it needs to be laid out, then a final editing pass of the laid out document.
The contract writers, Austin Walker and Takuma Okada, are tackling their respective pieces. Hopefully I'll be able to share their work with you by the end of November.
I got back the report from my disability consultant, Shay Erlich, and I'll be working with them to understand and incorporate their recommendations. Some of these will be included in the next version of the rulebook (hopefully out by the end of November), while others will only be in the final pdf. These is because some of the suggestions are about the main text itself, while others are about how the text functions as a digital document.
The art continues to be worked on. I've sent Vincent Patrick the next batch of commissions: the squad and region art. These are being worked on simultaneously because they will include the remaining Character Backer descriptions that were not selected to be used for the Pilot Playbook art.
Sasha Reneau's been working on the lay out of the auxiliary documents (character sheets, etc.) while they wait for the main text to finish. I've seen an example of them (and used it for the foundation of the Growing Conflict pilot sheets) and they look great.
The first major editing pass by Lauren McManamon was done about a month and a half ago, creating V0.541. She'll also be editing the work from Austin and Takuma, and tackling the final editing pass after layout.
Cory McDaniel has been doing great work filling in the auxiliary art and lay out that I need done. He's responsible for the pilot icons on the pilot sheets, the flags in the Izyan Conflict chapter, and he recently updated the google spreadsheet character sheets to incorporate some great new features.
Kate Moody finished the Izyan maps a while ago and they look great.
Lastly, there's a LOT of wildly stressful shit happening right now that is affecting everyone working on this project to different degrees. I ask that you have patience for all of us. As I said on the Kickstarter page, this is my first one. I don't know how long printing or shipping will take. I'm still aiming to start shipping in April 2021, but we'll see.
Thank you for your on going support and patience. I hope all of you and yours are well in these difficult times.
Finished Pilot Playbook Art
about 4 years ago
– Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 02:17:37 AM
Here's the finished art for the remaining pilot playbooks!
Next Vincent will be tackling the squad playbook and region art featuring the rest of the character backer designs.
What's Happening With Beam Saber in October?
about 4 years ago
– Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 12:00:17 AM
Here's what's happening:
The manuscript has gone to Shay Erlich, our disability consultant. I was in contact with them today, and they said that they are most of the way through it. Thus there will probably be a new update to the rules in early November after I incorporate their advice.
Vincent Patrick continues to work on the Pilot Playbook art. I'm waiting for them to all be done before I show the finished versions, but here's the sketches for the Ace and Hacker:
The Beam Saber Supply Drop license is now available to the public! This is for folks who want to make and sell their own Beam Saber content. There are already 3 newpilotplaybooks and 1 setting available from people other than myself.
Two new Beam Saber actual play podcasts have started: Admiralty Blues (Beam Saber specific) and Big Gay Nerds (A Beam Saber arc). They're both lots of fun, so give them a listen!
And that's what's happening in the world of Beam Saber! Follow me on twitter for more regular updates.
V0.541 is now available
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 04:07:31 PM
But first, a reminder: If you are the Vehicle Backer who has not gotten me a description of your Vehicle, you have until October 1st to do so. At that point I will fill the last example Vehicle slot.
Big update! Most of it is that the whole book has had a layout pass by the amazing Lauren McManamon and additional vehicle art (seen in prior updates) by the wonderful Vincent Patrick!
Clarified that all Level 1 Harm and all Level 1 Damage is removed during Mission Rewards.
Clarified that Pushing Yourself applies to Action and Fortune rolls.
Updated the Random Generation Tables to have the appropriate Pilot abilities.
Changed the Mech Cav's "Custom Work" to apply to Engineering the Vehicles in your Squad.
Clarified that the Rival Challenge Clock must be filled and then 2 Drive Clocks spent to permanently remove them as a threat.
Updated the Roll20 Clock link to the new Itch store page.
Updated the Roll20 Splash page to the new user friendly version.
Removed the Future Goals appendix.
Added the extremely incomplete Kickstarter Backers and Index appendices.
Added an example of play for an entire Mission.
Changed the Envoy’s “Fine Disguise Kit” to “Fine Subterfuge Supplies” to bringit in line with the standard gear version.
Renamed the "Rivals" Entanglement to "Challengers."
Clarified that the Tier of a temporary vehicle is determined by the Squad that normally operates said vehicle.
Clarified in the Planning the Mission section, under Loadout, how declaring Pilot gear works.
Changed the Officer's XP triggers to "coordination or a ruse." This was done to make it feel more in line with the idea of an Officer, while still choosing words that incorporated the old XP Triggers.
Added art for the Shotel, Tin Orbit, Scalpel, Bulkhead, Jousting Boar Inn & Pub, and Opossum example Vehicles.